Friday 5 November 2010

Blog Assignment #8: Irony/Photoshopping

I decided to alter this image and place myself in the iconic “Hope,” poster that was used during the 2008 Obama campaign. This altered image was created by Shepard Fairey and sold on the streets before becoming one of the most recognizable and influential media used for Obama’s campaign message. Although it’s a simplistic image, it brought about a unifying theme amongst Americans. This strategic poster caught the eye of millions around the world and an entire story of “change,” could be told with only one word.  Putting myself in this poster I was able to make a parody out of the iconic image. Underneath my altered version I wrote the word “recession,” because our country is facing the worst recession since The Great Depression. Unemployment rates are still at an all time high and many Americans have lost faith in this “hope.” It’s interesting to see how an image can be altered and cause so much controversy. This teaches one the lesson to never assume anything is original but to always keep in mind that it only takes a click of the mouse to completely alter an image and its meaning. "We are not a collection of red states or blue states but a combination of both (purple states)." 

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