Friday 10 September 2010

Blog Assignment #3: Clip Analysis

*REF. A certain atmosphere of suspense is created when we hear the sirens in the beginning of the clip. We tend to associate sirens with a crisis of some sort. Visual cues such as smoke, fire, and police officers walking around makes one believe that an accident took place. The police officer is interviewing the man who was victim of the accident and it’s interesting to see him put his hands up in the air (putting your hands up in the air represents surrender and sometimes guilt in our society) and say “its ok officer I’m ok, I don’t know what happened.” The victim shows signs of uneasiness leading us to believe that the accident just took place. Eyewitnesses are shown trying to figure out exactly what happened. It’s common for people to become intrigued and give the impression of being concerned or often stop to see an accident out of curiosity when driving.

* Throughout the movie the director chose to add the color red during significant moments of the film. The color red is easy to identify and is often depicted to represent something evil. In the clip the color red is used to represent anything that is tainted in the real world by the supernatural.

*The mother apologizes for not being able to attend her son’s play because she has to work two jobs to cover finances. A female that works two jobs is often due to a financial burden from the result of a divorce or spouse passing away. This is a cue that the husband is in fact a spirit.

**HER. The shot reverse shot technique is used to intensify the dialogue between the mother and child. The boy says “I’m ready to communicate with you,” meaning there was a lack of communication between the supernatural and the real world. The boy confesses his ability to see dead people and tells him mom about his gift of seeing ghosts. For a split second we are given a clue see the lady who was killed in the accident covered in blood. The enigma is blocked when the mother tells the boy he is wrong. Doubt is created and we’re not sure who to believe. The boy is able to prove he is not a “freak,” when he taps into the mother’s rough childhood.

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